Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Fashionable Finals Distractions

Two posts in one day? What is this?? Procrastination, that's what.  I've got one take-home final and a paper to edit, and then I am done with my last fall semester as an undergraduate.  It's basically nothing, but because of that, I can't even start.  So, I figure as a way to distract myself, I'd let you know about my distractions from school when I wasn't writing in this blog.  I'll focus on the fashionable ones, though, because I'm sure you have no interest in my obsession with Dexter.

1. Skins

Due to the amount of homework I typically have, my Netflix is rarely utilized, but in an attempt to get my money's worth, I started watching Skins around Thanksgiving.  For those of you not familiar, Skins is a British show featuring teenagers acting the way very few teenagers actually act.  It's like Gossip Girl, but with more nudity, drugs and foul language.  In other words, it's extremely entertaining and, unfortunately for my studies, addicting.  I could go on and on about this show, but what I really want to show you is Cassie.

I suppose there may be something wrong with my favorite character being a psychotic girl with an eating disorder who is constant saying, "Oh, wow." But one look at this girl will make you realize that the personality of the character is irrelevant.  Sequins, lace and eclectic accessories (like a fake bird in her hair!) are much more important to me than mental disorders, and Cassie's outfits had plenty of these elements to make me look past all of her problems.  As soon as school is over, I'm going to start watching Season 3, and I hope there's a worthy replacement for Cassie.  But of course I'll keep watching anyway because this show is that good.

2. Ebay
In high school, I spent a large amount of my free time on Ebay.  I gave up after awhile, though, because I rarely won anything and my heart couldn't take the disappointment any longer.  A couple of weeks ago, I decided to give my lost love another chance.  I still rarely win anything, but I did manage to score these beauties a couple of days ago.  They should be arriving soon, and I hope they will make all of my past heartbreak worth it.

And, finally...
3. Fashion Blogs!

photo from: darling darling

Though I may have been a wimp and cancelled mine, I still have been following plenty (too many) fashion blogs on Bloglovin (which I am in love with because it makes my life so much easier).  I have been particularly in love with calivintage and Darling Darling lately.  Their blogs provide me with way more fashion inspiration than any of the magazines I still subscribe to.

photo from: calivintage

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