Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Daily Wear 12/16: I'm Back!

I went a little cuckoo for awhile.  After my birthday, reality set in, and I realized how little time I had left to finish my senior research project and all of my other final papers before this semester ended.  So, in a move that probably alienated whatever small amount of readers I had, I deleted this blog in order to focus on my studies.  Though I realize there's probably no one left reading this to care, I'm back! Constant pestering from my friends and an inspirational post from Rachel did the trick.  And I've got big plans for this blog during my break from school, which starts at 2:30 PM tomorrow.  I promise I won't desert you again!

Before I get back to studying and grading papers, though, I want to show you my outfit for today.



coat: f21, pearls: charlotte russe, top: target, pants: american rag from macys, flats: old navy

If I still look a little cuckoo, it's because I am.  Finals aren't quite over yet. This is what I'm wearing to meet with the professor I am a teacher's assistant for and to my biology final later this evening.  I do not believe in dressing down for finals.  When I'm taking a test, I want to feel good about myself, and I just don't think that's possible in sweatpants.  So, I tried to dress up a little today, and to me, nothing's fancier than pearls and faux fur.  I saw this coat on sale at Forever 21, and I had to buy it because it's the coat of my dreams.  I will admit I use that logic to justify most of my purchases.  My sister bought me the necklace on Monday at Charlotte Russe.  I usually don't even walk into that store because everything they sell is usually too trendy (in the bad way), but I'm glad Monday's trip resulted in this beauty.  They make me feel much more glamourous than the college student that I am.

Of course, I'm still dressed for comfort, as I'm going to be sitting down most of today, but I'm doing comfort in a sneaky way with this loose shirt and my new legging jeans.  I would like to end this by saying that legging jeans are the greatest piece of clothing ever created.  My roommate has been preaching the wonders of these babies, and I finally gave in.  And I'm glad I did!  I'm wearing stretchy pants with an elastic waist, but no one can tell! It's going to take everything within my power not to wear these everyday.

Anyway, I'm off to get some work done.  All of you bloggers that manage school full-time and great blogs, I am in awe of you.  Please tell me all of your secrets.

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